Lets talk about rejection.
You suck.
How did that feel? If you don’t know me, it probably did nothing more than confuse you, and wonder why some artist you barely even know just took a shot at you.
But, how well do you know the other people in the world that tell you no - that don’t want what you are selling, or just simply don’t like “you”. What is the difference? Well I can tell you - its simply because when you WANT something, you expose yourself to the possibility that someone may not want it back. You assume that if they don’t want IT - then they don’t want YOU.
It’s not you though, is it? Its just stuff, thoughts, products and ideas. They aren’t real. At least, your attachment to them isn’t real.
So, how do you deal with rejection? It’s not simple. It’s not something that can be solved in one blog post, but that doesn’t mean I won’t try to provide a piece of advice that should be taken to heart. Go and get rejected. Get rejected really bad. We have a predisposition to believing that rejection will kill us, and its a belief that we are holding onto from when we lived in tribes. When you live in a tribe, and you try to pursue a mate, and they reject you - you probably die alone - if not immediately. We never grew passed this.
So that is it - the best worst advice. The advice that you only need to try once. Go now, go and prove to yourself that is was never as bad as you thought, and I will promise to do the same.